Thursday, March 1, 2012

Replacements for Seven s departed lovers announced

AAP General News (Australia)
Replacements for Seven s departed lovers announced

SYDNEY, Aug 19 AAP - Channel Seven has confirmed sports presenter Jim Wilson and Sunrise
co-host Mark Beretta will replace Tracey Holmes on the network's Olympic broadcasts.

Holmes left the network earlier this week along with her lover, Stan Grant, after their
affair became public knowledge two weeks ago.

Rating's for the program Grant fronted for Seven, Today Tonight, plummeted in the wake
of his revelation that he had left his wife of 16 years and three children to move in
with Holmes.

Holmes was to have been Seven's key anchorwoman during its Games coverage.

However, network executives, including boss Kerry Stokes, were reported to have disapproved
of the affair because it jeopardised Seven's return on tens of millions of dollars invested
in Olympic broadcasts.

Media reports today said the couple opted to leave the network rather than accept demotions.

AAP pwa/cdhK


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