Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Qld: Corby's mum says govt lying over security cameras

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Corby's mum says govt lying over security cameras

BRISBANE, April 6 AAP - The mother of convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby and her
former lawyer are angry security breaches at Sydney airport were not made public earlier.

Federal Labor MP John Murphy said the evidence raised fresh concerns about a string
of drug cases, in particular that of Corby who was jailed last year for trying to smuggle
cannabis into Bali.

Mr Murphy said two cameras inside the baggage handling unit had been sabotaged on three
occasions between October 2004 and May 2005.

The cameras had been used to monitor the behaviour of baggage handlers as they sifted
through luggage behind the airport's check-in.

In answer to a question on notice to federal parliament, Justice Minister Chris Ellison
confirmed the cameras had been moved.

Corby was arrested at Bali's Denpasar Airport in October 2004 after authorities found
four kg of cannabis in her bodyboard bag.

Despite claiming Australian baggage handlers were responsible for the cannabis being
in the bag, Corby was convicted by a Bali court and given a 20 year sentence.

Her mother Rosleigh Rose today maintained her daughter's innocence and said the federal
government was not telling the truth.

"They have used my daughter to cover their own arses and it's all going to blow up
in their faces," Ms Rose said.

"She has to come home because she is innocent."

One of Corby's former lawyers, Robin Tampoe, said the government should have offered
the information earlier.

"These are all things that they knew," he told ABC Radio.

"They were all things we were screaming and begging for in terms of our defence of
Schapelle Corby but it was denied to us.

"As these things seem to do, they bubble to the surface but they bubble up too late.

"Her appeal process has been exhausted and from where I sit, I'm just very angry about it."

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