Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Greens can't pick and choose science:Bligh

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Greens can't pick and choose science:Bligh

CANBERRA, Aug 19 AAP - Queensland Premier Anna Bligh says the Australian Greens have
to accept the science on coal seam gas like it does on climate change.

Greens Leader Bob Brown had questioned this week whether coal seam gas would reduce
global emissions.

"There is absolutely no doubt that if Australia wants a cleaner energy future, then
gas has to be a part of that and it has to be a part of our transition," Ms Bligh told
reporters in Canberra on Friday.

State and territory leaders are in the capital for the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

Ms Bligh said she was "very disappointed" with comments from Mr Brown and other Greens
senators questioning the science on coal seam gas.

"Frankly you can't pick and choose your science to suit your ideology," she said.

"You either believe the science of climate change, believe the science of coal seam
gas emissions or you don't."

The Queensland premier said her state was highly motivated to act on climate change.

"If the state and as a nation fail to act on climate change, one of the first things
that we will be in trouble with is the Great Barrier Reef.

"That is a great employer in Queensland as well as a very important environmental heritage
for the world."

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