Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: TV and radio ads set to warn motorists to slow down.

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: TV and radio ads set to warn motorists to slow down.

New data shows speed .. alcohol and fatigue remain the biggest cause of fatal vehicle crashes.

Despite the grim facts .. last year's official NSW road toll of 435 was the lowest
since World War 2 .. according to a government report.

With more motorists took more notice of road safety messages .. fatal crashes involving
speeding dropped from 40 per cent to 32 percent in 2007.

NSW Roads Minister MICHAEL DALEY says the toll was at a record low last year despite
there being 13 times as many vehicles on the road .. 10 times as many licensed drivers
and double the population since 1945.

The RTA Road Traffic Crashes in NSW 2007 report shows there were still 140 people killed
and thousands injured as a result of speeding.

Mr DALEY says 127 million dollars will be spent on road safety projects .. road upgrades
and maintenance programs to help address the problem.

AAP RTV bc/fdf


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