Monday, February 27, 2012

Highlights of the AAP National Wire at 14:45, Dec 8

AAP General News (Australia)
Highlights of the AAP National Wire at 14:45, Dec 8

CANBERRA - A nuclear waste dump is expected to start operating in the Northern Territory
by 2011 after parliament passed laws that give it the green light. (Nuclear. Also see
Nuclear Reaction)

Nuclear N/L to come. With graphic

CANBERRA - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan - a strong ally of Australia's in the
war against terror - has criticised the invasion of Iraq, saying it has turned Iraq into
a breeding ground for terrorists. (Turkey Aust to come)

Seeking more.

CANBERRA - Family Court judges will have to consider ordering separated parents spend
equal time with their children under new laws being introduced to federal parliament.

(Family Ruddock. Also see Family Parly )

Family N/L to come.

CANBERRA - Australia's unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 per cent in November, new
figures released today show. (Jobs. also see Jobs Andrews and other sidebars)

Economy N/L to come.

CANBERRA - Prime Minister John Howard says he and Treasurer Peter Costello will continue
to work closely together at the top of the Liberal Party. (Leadership Howard and Leadership

Leadership N/L to come

CANBERRA - It will be some time before a vacancy on the Reserve Bank board is filled,
Treasurer Peter Costello said today. (Gerard Costello. Also see Gerard Howard and Gerard

Gerard N/L to come.

BRISBANE - Queensland Premier Peter Beattie will study precedents to argue why Gordon
Nuttall should not face criminal charges over claims he lied to a parliamentary hearing.

(Nuttall 2nd Daylead)

Nuttall N/L to come.

SYDNEY - James Packer today denied his father Kerry Packer complained about the share
price of One.Tel in the months before the junior telco's 2001 collapse. (OneTel)

OneTel N/L to come

MELBOURNE - Australia's Commonwealth Games athletes will march onto the MCG next year
sporting bold green and gold uniforms that draw inspiration from the legendary Baggy Green
(Com06 Uniform to come. Pics available)

CANBERRA - The number of women giving birth by caesarean section in Australia has climbed
to an all-time high, a new report shows. (Caesarian to come. Eds note: Embargoed)

BRISBANE - Doctors will one day be able to tailor disease prevention diets for patients
based on their genes, an Australian-based scientist believes. (Diet. Embargoed until 0001
AEDT, Friday, Dec 9)

MELBOURNE - Rio Tinto says it will spend $US760 million ($A1.02 billion) on an underground
expansion of its Argyle diamond mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. (Rio
to come)

MELBOURNE - West Australian golfer Nick O'Hern blitzed the new and improved Huntingdale
today for a course record 64 and the clubhouse lead on day one of the Australian Masters.

(Golf Aust Lead. Pics available)

Golf N/L to come.



2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

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